Renewable Solutions
Specialized professionals to offer the best solution to our clients.
Featured Projects
Installed power: 2.520 kWp
Annual production : 3.850 MWh
Emission savings: 1.763.000 Kg de CO2
Installed power: 790 kWp
Annual production: 1.169 MWh
Emission savings: 535.402 kg de CO2
Installed capacity: 504,9 kWp
Annual production: 761,71 MWh
Emission savings: 348.863 kg de CO2
Location: Casablanca (Marruecos)
Installed capacity : 1.270,08 kWp
Annual production: 1.970,05 MWh
Emission savings: 788.200 kg de CO2
Sustainable Development
At Greening-e bring the benefits of renewable energies and energy efficiency to your organization. We are committed to develop environment-friendly strategies that also contribute to reduce electricity costs. There is a way to meet energy needs without compromising the welfare of future generations and our planet.